Best Programming Language To Learn First in 2024

Why do you want to know about the best programming language to learn first? If I am not wrong, probably you are a beginner who wants to start programming or an intermediate who already has some knowledge of programming language but still wants to confirm that which is the best programming language among their learned languages.

Don’t worry, I am going to help you and will clear all your doubts about programming languages in this blog. You will definitely able to choose the best programming language that you should learn first.

It is a common question that comes in our mind when we want to start learning a programming language.

When we want to start learning a programming language, some thoughts come in our mind and it’s common like which programming language would be best? Will this language be easy for me? Can I do it? How much time would it take to learn it completely? Will I start making cool things after completely learning it? Would I get a job after learning it?

Best Programming Language To Learn First

Many colleges start from either C, C++, or web designing while some start from python programming. They don’t give you options to choose the best programming language according to you.

But you can start learning the best programming language according to you without walking on the traditional path made by your college. You can choose any programming languages described below based on some criteria.


It has become the most popular programming language in this world. It is also very easy to learn or we can say that one of the easiest programming languages to learn. Also, it is one of the most in-demand programming languages and one of the highest paying languages. Many schools have included this programming language in its syllabus and started teaching this language, not only schools, even graduates tend to enroll in some good python online course to up-skill themselves. If you learn this language, you will start flying with the latest technologies in computer science as it is a very advanced programming language.

Let’s have a look at the key features of Python Programming Language:

  • It helps beginners to understand the concepts of programming as it is one of the easiest programming languages to learn.
  • Widely regarded as the best programming language for a newbie or beginners.
  • Widely used in technical, scientific, and academic fields i.e. Artificial Intelligence (AI), Data Science, Machine Learning (ML), etc.
  • It has many popular frameworks that will make your work easy. Django, Flask, etc are popular python framework can be used for building website.
Used to build YouTube, Spotify, Instagram, etc.

Average Salary: $107,000 approx.

Difficulty: 1.0/5.0


Java is one of the most popular programming languages of all time. Now when python has emerged as the most popular programming language among programmers, java lagged a bit but remains in the race.

Do you want to work in a Multi-National Company (MNC)? Java is still the favorite of IT giant companies and if you want to work in Multi-National Companies, you can still prefer java over any other programming languages.

Let’s have a look at the key features of Java Programming Language :

  • This programming language is a peace lover and works with every platform (portable).
  • Very popular on all platforms, Operating System(OS), and devices due to its portability.
  • One of the highest paying programming languages with high demand.
  • It works on the principle of ” write once, work everywhere”.
  • Easy to get a job in MNC if you know the Java programming language very well.

Used to build Gmail, Minecraft, Most android apps, Enterprise applications, etc.

Average Salary: $102,000 approx.

Difficulty: 3.0/5.0

C :

The C programming language is one of the oldest programming languages. It is a basic computer programming language that is very helpful to learn and understand the basic programming concepts which are common in all the programming languages. C is considered as the father of all programming languages.

Let’s have a look at the key features of C programming language :

  • Considered as Lingua Franca of programming language.
  • One of the oldest programming languages and also considered as the father of all the programming languages.
  • It is a popular language for system and hardware programming.
  • Codes written in C programming language is faster than codes written in other programming languages.

Used to build Hardware, Operating Systems (OS), etc.

Average Salary: $102,000

Difficulty: 3.0/5.0

C++ :

C++ is a complex version of C. It has almost all the features of C programming language as well as it has many other features as Object-Oriented Programming.

Do you already know C programming? If Yes, then you can start learning C++ as it will become easy for you. Otherwise, you might find it a little difficult to learn.

Do you want to develop games? It is widely used in developing games.

If you have already started learning C++ and learned the basics of it, you might develop a game right now. Isn’t it interesting?

Let’s have a look at the key features of C++ programming language:

  • A complex version of C with a lot more features like Object-Oriented Programming.
  • Learning C++ is a little difficult but possible.
  • It is widely used for developing Industrial and performance-critical applications, Games, etc

Used to build hardware, Operating Systems (OS), Browsers, etc.

Average Salary: $104,000

Difficulty: 4.0/5.0

Best Programming Language To Learn First

C# :

C# is very much similar to java in basic syntax and many features. It can be used to create almost anything but is mostly used to create applications for the Microsoft platform. It is also used for developing web applications too. It is also used to develop Games using the Unity game engine, which is the most popular game engine today and more than one-third of top games are made with Unity.

Here are some key features of C# programming language:

  • Widely used programming language for the Microsoft platform.
  • It is a popular choice for Enterprise to create websites and Windows applications using .NET framework.
  • It can be used to create websites using ASP.NET, a framework from Microsoft.
  • It is very much similar to java in basic syntax and many other features.
  • It is widely used in game development using the Unity game engine.

Used to build Windows and Enterprise Applications.

Average Salary: $94,000

Difficulty: 3.0/5.0

JavaScript :

JavaScript is an object-oriented programming language that is used at the client-side as well as server-side, but mainly at the client-side to create interactive and responsive elements for web pages that can engage a user. To put things simple and clear, it makes web development easier and attractive.

It is the most popular web scripting language for the client-side.

Do you want to go in the field of web development? Do you want to create attractive and responsive web pages for websites? If yes, then JavaScript is a must-learn for you with HTML and CSS.

Some of the key features of JavaScript:

  • It is the most popular client-side web scripting language.
  • It is used in web development for creating interactive and responsive elements for web pages.
  • For front-end web developers, it is a must to learn along with HTML and CSS.
  • It is one of the trending programming languages now due to it’s increasing popularity as a server-side programming language (node.js).

Used to build PayPal, front-end of majority websites, etc.

Average Salary: $99,000

Difficulty: 2.0/5.0


It is a recursive acronym for ” PHP: Hypertext preprocessor “. It is a server-side scripting language. It is used to manage databases, dynamic content, session tracking, or even can build an entire e-commerce website. It is one of the most popular web scripting languages.

Let’s have a look at the key features of PHP:

  • It is a programming language that doesn’t respect the rules (unpredictable and inconsistent) but comparatively easy to learn.
  • It is a server-side scripting language.
  • It is the most popular scripting language for the server-side.
  • It is suitable for building small and simple sites within a short time frame.
  • It supported by almost every web hosting service at a cheaper price.
Used to build WordPress, Flickr, Wikipedia, etc.

Average Salary: $89,000

Difficulty: 2.0/5.0   



Ruby is a general-purpose programming language very much similar to python. It is mostly used for web applications, data analysis, prototyping, proof of concepts, etc. It is also very easy to learn.

Key features of Ruby Programming Language:

  • It is mostly known for its popular framework, Ruby on Rails.
  • It is designed for fun and productive coding.
  • Best for rapid development, startups, fun and personal projects, etc.
  • It focuses on simplicity and productivity with an elegant syntax which is natural to read and write.
Used to build Hulu, Slideshare, etc.

Average Salary: $107,000

Difficulty: 2.0/5.0


All the programming languages listed above are best in their own way and at their place. There is no best or worst language. If you want to learn a programming language, you should choose the best language on the basis of your requirements. Every programming language is developed according to some requirements which can be fulfilled by this language.

So, if you are going to learn a programming language, on which criteria would you choose a language? Popularity, Average Salary, Difficulty to learn or relevancy with your work?

I hope this blog may have helped you in choosing the Best Programming Language To Learn First for you!!

Thank you.

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