Artificial Intelligence (AI) MCQ Questions and Answers

The following quiz “Artificial Intelligence (AI) MCQ Questions and Answers” provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Artificial Intelligence (AI). These Artificial Intelligence (AI) MCQs are also Interviews (campus interview, walk-in interview, company interview), Placement or recruitment, entrance examinations, and competitive examinations oriented. You can practice the below questions to improve your Artificial Intelligence (AI) skills. You can click on the View Answer button to check the answer if you needed. Let’s solve this Artificial Intelligence MCQ Questions and Answers Quiz.

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01. Artificial Intelligence is all about_____

  1. Making a machine Intelligent
  2. Programming on Machine with your Own Intelligence
  3. Putting your intelligence in Machine
  4. Playing a game on the Computer

Answer : A
Explanation: Artificial Intelligence or AI is a branch of Computer science, which aims to create intelligent machines of human-level so that machines can think intelligently in the same manner as a human does.

02. The application/applications of Artificial Intelligence is/are

  1. Expert Systems
  2. Gaming
  3. Vision Systems
  4. All of the above

Answer : D
Explanation: All of the above given options are the applications of AI (Artificial Intelligence).

03. Strong Artificial Intelligence (AI) is

  1. The embodiment of human intellectual capabilities within a computer
  2. A set of computer programs that produce output that would be considered to reflect intelligence if it were generated by humans
  3. The study of mental faculties through the use of mental models implemented on a computer
  4. All of the mentioned

Answer : A
Explanation: Option A is correct.

04. Who is known as the father of Artificial Intelligence?

  1. Doug Cutting
  2. John McCarthy
  3. William S
  4. Rasmus Lerdorf

Answer : B
Explanation: John McCarthy is considered to be the father of AI.

05. LISP was created by?

  1. Marvin Minsky
  2. Allen Newell and Herbert Simon
  3. John McCarthy
  4. Alan Turing

Answer : C
Explanation: LISP was created by John McCarthy.

06. Which search method takes less memory?

  1. Breadth-First search
  2. Optimal search
  3. Linear Search
  4. Depth-First Search

Answer : D
Explanation: Depth-First Search takes less memory compared to the above search methods.

07. Weak AI is

  1. A set of computer programs that produce output that would be considered to reflect intelligence if it were generated by humans
  2. The study of mental faculties through the use of mental models implemented on a computer
  3. The embodiment of human intellectual capabilities within a computer
  4. All of the above

Answer : B
Explanation: Weak AI is the study of mental faculties through the use of mental models implemented on a computer.

08. Expert Ease was developed under the direction of __________

  1. John McCarthy
  2. Lofti Zadeh
  3. Donald Michie
  4. Alan Turing

Answer : C
Explanation: Expert Ease was developed under the direction of Donald Michie.

09. If a robot can alter its own trajectory in response to external conditions, it is considered to be

  1. mobile
  2. intelligent
  3. open loop
  4. non-servo

Answer : B
Explanation: If a robot can alter its own trajectory in response to external conditions, it is considered to be intelligent robot.

10. An AI system developed by Daniel Bobrow to read and solve algebra word problems

  2. SIMD
  3. BACON

Answer : A
Explanation: STUDENT was that AI System.