In this cyber era of smart computing devices and the unfathomable internet, computer programs have become important in daily life to enhance and increase the power, capability, productivity, and efficiency of Computers and the Internet. This list below consists of 10 types of programmers you will encounter with! These programs which make hardware functional and simple to use are conceptualized, conceived, designed, programmed, documented, tested, and maintained by a species called ‘Programmers’.
To become a programmer is as much as passionate to become a musician, a singer, a writer, an actress or actor, a painter, or any other type of artist. Programmers are also artists who can amaze you by their programming skills. A big thanks go to programmers of this world who helped us to develop so fast and gave us an easy and comfortable life.
Now we don’t have to travel thousands of kilometers to meet our special ones, we don’t have to hustle in the crowd to buy things, and infinite numbers of these miracles become possible now due to programmers.

On a non-serious note, in this article let’s look at the different types of programmers categorized and listed based on an assessment of their characters and skill set. Let’s get the show on the road!
The Academy student(Rookie):
Everyone should’ve been an amateur at some part of the time. These are the noobs or the fresh recruits who are full of energy and enthusiasm, but they lack in every other aspect only until they gain enough experience after which these budding pipsqueaks fall into one of the other types that we have listed. An academy student is very ambitious, comes to work with high expectations, runs, and learns scripts written by the ninjas in need.
They make mistakes at all levels, but there is potential in them which when unlocked will help them overcome this. They may cause troubles now and then but it wouldn’t have been intentional. You can find these rookies attending online courses and boot camps very often.
The Eternal Genin:
The eternal genin is satisfied with the entry-level position he holds. He doesn’t like shouldering more responsibilities. He is neither interested in learning more nor getting to positions with better privileges. Although the eternal genin may seem to be a lousy type, he is the best at what he does. Perfection and reliability are the two dominant traits of this noob like a programmer. They might have workload but they are never stressed as much as the one in a superior position.
The knucklehead:
A knucklehead usually manages to make it to a mid-level position but never above that. A knucklehead has no idea what he did, what he is doing nor what he will do. A knucklehead uses other’s help to complete his tasks, usually takes credit for other’s work and the academy students below him suffer the most for they’ll have to figure things out on their own. The knuckleheads are just incompetent dimwits in a non-deserving position.
The Kage(saint):
The Kages are the ones in the managerial positions. They shoulder huge responsibilities and delegate duties to every part of the strata. They take every opportunity to click a selfie with their team or one of the many awards they’ve received. The Kage is always in the lookout for a potential successor who he could deem fit to take up his position in the future. The Kage might seem not to have much workload, but he does have to deal with commitments and timelines to ensure being up to the expectations of the client and preserving their goodwill.
The Anbu ops – syntax Nazi:
The syntax Nazi is obsessed with writing the clearest and flawless scripts. He follows all the disciplinary codes strictly and strives for writing the most legible and easy to comprehend scripts. These syntax policemen don’t have creativity as a trait. Rather they’re built on textbook rules.
The open-source wizard:
The open-source wizard is an expert when it comes to programming. Rather than using his skill set for his own benefits, he writes programs that come in handy for amateur programmers and knuckleheads. He is aware of his potentials and writes complicated programs that keep proving that he is a programming connoisseur. The open-source wizard is looked up with awe by academy students for that is the level of skills they dream of having acquired someday.
The lockpicker:
The lock pickers are no less skillful than an open-source wizard. But rather than writing fancy programs for noobs, they take an interest in breaking through security systems and improving it. They never leave any tracks behind. IP hopping is a child’s play for these lock pickers. Their motive is usually not to sabotage the victim’s system but some rogue programmers don’t mind doing that.
The Duct tape programmers:
The duct tape programmer is neither highly skillful nor disciplined. But the fact that he can come up with a solution to any type of problem makes him a vital part of the team. His programs won’t make any sense, nor will they look organized but they’ll get the job done. Just like a morbid looking bowl of porridge that tastes good.
The data scientist:
The data scientist eats maths for breakfast and statistics for lunch. They work with data and usually have high educational qualifications. They live in their own matrix world where numerical figures rule and data stats are the lifelines.
The young prodigy:
The young prodigy is usually a self-taught programmer. He programs out of his own interest and he is almost capable of solving every other problem statement in style. The young prodigies tend to show off a bit but their programming abilities could never be questioned. They are potentially the next Kage, open-source wizard, or lock picker.
Jokes apart, programmers play a vital part in our day to day life. They do contribute to the engineering world and as the saying goes ‘Engineers move the world’, they are significant contributors by simplifying things which otherwise would not be possible for the general consumers to use effectively and efficiently with ease.
Programmers are like magicians who can create magic by giving instructions ( writing some lines of code) to computers in programming languages. If you want to be a programmer, you are welcome in this field.
Are you a programmer?
If ‘YES’, what type do you classify yourself under? And if ‘NO’, what type of programmer would you be if you get to be a programmer one day?